The Gorman Summit in honor of Dr. Jack Gorman was a weekend of speakers, education, and fun. The topic was “The Ten Things You Learned Since Residency.” Dr. Guido Sampermans started the lectures with years of knowledge and information. We were very blessed to have Dr. Sampermans join us from the other side of the pond.


The next morning we were lucky to have a Dr. Chuck Alexander from Montrose Colorado. He shared some eye opening information from the Alexander Discipline and from his years of a successful practice. Dr. Courtney Gorman wrapped up the meeting with some insightful information on patient care and practice management. The three speakers all touched on a few things that were a common theme. It is nice to see all three speakers had noticed several common themes since graduating and to get each one of their perspectives on the topics. The free time was filled with skiing, friends, and laughs. We will be excited to see what the next Gorman meeting will bring and hope to see everyone at the next Gorman meeting.

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